Saturday, April 21, 2012

Ironman 70.3 Salzburg bike course


This is the bike course map and profile for Ironman 70.3 Salzburg, which I’m planning to participate on Aug 26th. It is pretty flat, and the surroundings are suppose to be amazing.

Bike Course

1 comment:

  1. I was looking for info on Ironman Salzburg and somehow ended up reading your blog. Loved it! haha, many of the recommendations are hilarious but true. Força para or primeiro dos teus 70.3. It is a perfect distance and my personal favorite. I have also raced several marathons, an Ironman, several 70.3. E AMO INTEIRAMENTE!
    Parabéns, força, boa sorte, e muiiiita calma para Salzburg. Depois conta como é que correu porque quero ir lá para o ano. Um abraço! (Victoria, mexicana, 47 anos, 8 dois quais viví em Lisboa!)
