Saturday, May 12, 2012

Giving Back


In the past 3 1/2 years I have completely changed my lifestyle. I’ve started being more careful with the food I eat, I’ve started doing regular exercise, by running and participating in several races, including a Marathon, and last summer I’ve started doing triathlons. Since then, life has been giving me a lot of good things, a lot of “Gifts”: new friends, more health, more knowledge, more patience, more peace, more joy … and a lot of other good things.

A few months back I’ve felt that was time to give something back. I really believe the more you give, the more you get in return. Following examples of a few colleagues that started raising money for charities when they were racing, I started looking for charities that I would relate to, on the websites or I was looking for something related with children’s education, in some African or Asian countries, where access to education is very difficult. One year back, I was exposed to an organization called Room to Read that envisions that every child should have access to education. This organization was founded by John Wood, who wrote the book “Leaving Microsoft to Change the World”.

Whilst this charity was listed on both websites, I felt that I wouldn’t see the results of my fundraising and the contributions would go to the UK section and not the Dubai one.

A few weeks later I joined a local triathlon team in Dubai, Team T2A, and I’ve found out that one of the team members, Miss AnnieP, has been running a Charity on her own, where the vision to Improve Children’s Lives Through Education and Sports Initiatives. Not only it fits the type end goal that I had in mind (children's education) it also adds Sports which is a passion that I have, and I could actually get involved on the field.

3D 1So far, this Charity has raised about USD 24,000 which will be used to build a library for a school in Uganda. A good portion of the money has been raised selling unwanted items that are donated by friends, and friends of friends of Miss AnnieP, and then sold at the monthly Safa Flea Market in Dubai. Wouter Kingma, a friend of Miss AnnieP, raced Gobi Desert Ultramarathon in China (250km in 7 days) for the charity, and raised by himself USD 6,800. Inspiring!

What am I doing to help?

IMG_0413So far, I have participated in one of the Safa Flea Markets. It was an amazing experience that started at 4:30am to collect and transport the items to Safa Park, getting the tables ready for the sale at around 6am, spending a few hours selling amazing stuff at ridiculous prices, and finalizing everything by 2pm. It was a very rewarding and fun morning, while contributing to a great cause (I have even improved my lousy sale skills).

But I want to do more and contribute more. I’m currently helping create a Facebook page and a website to promote this charity and its projects. I think there’s a much bigger audience to reach and I feel I can help with that. I also want to promote this charity and raise money during my races, starting with the Ironman 70.3 Salzburg that I’ll do on August 26. Additionally, I have signed up for a trip to Uganda on Jun 5-9, to help on the follow-up with the local promoters and constructors for the first phase of the library. Last week I had 6 vaccines so that I can travel safely, and I have to say that I am extremely excited (at the same time nervous) about it.

Why am I sharing this?

First because I want to create awareness and promote this charity. Second, because I need your help to make this and other projects even more successful. There are many ways to contribute, by giving some of your time, sharing your knowledge, using your connections, giving your unwanted and unused stuff. It doesn’t have to always be by giving money, but it is welcome too Smile.

How can you help?
  • Do you participate in races or sports events? Then perhaps raise money for this charity for your race.
  • Are you one of my IT Geek friends? Then help me maintain the website and support the people that are going to contribute with the content.
  • Do you live in Dubai? De-clutter your house of unwanted items for the Safa Flea Market, and maybe even come to help on the market days.
  • Do you have a lot of Emirates Airmiles? Donate some miles so that we can send qualified resources to monitor and audit the construction of the Library.
  • Do you have any other ideas? Send them to me.

Because this is a great initiative, created by someone that I know, supported by a group of people that want to make a difference, in which I am personally involved in the field.

I’ll keep you posted on the Facebook page, the website, and the trip to Uganda. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great innitiative.. and will promote it with friends.. If I can help please let me know.. looking forward for the facebook page to keep track. Can you tell more on the Safa Flea Market? how do we participate or give the things? Thank you for sharing!! Izzy
