Tuesday, April 5, 2011


We take so many things for granted, we should always be gratefull no matter
how much or how little we have.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

How I feel about running...

"I’m well aware that my relationship with the “sport” is alternative to say the least. I don’t view it as a physical activity: I view as a spiritual one. Many casual joggers speak of how they feel their running not only keeps them fit but also gives them self-confidence and heightens their appreciation of the world they live in. I too can attest to these feelings—but for me running does more than that. In many ways I credit it with saving my life. I genuinely believe my running has made me not just a better father and husband, but a better person period."

Nigel Marsh - Fat, Forty and Fired

Thursday, March 24, 2011